Aug 24, 20213 min

What to Expect on Moving Day

You have completed on your new property and have your keys. You are probably very eager to get into your new home, after all, you've been waiting a long time, keep calm and prepare for the final step before you are in your new home.

The move. Hopefully, you have packed all of your belongings and you are ready for your moving team to arrive, we are likely to be arriving early in the morning so prepare for an early start.

We will likely need constant access to your property and we will be in and out leaving doors open. If you have pets or young children, leaving them unsupervised while our work is being carried out may be dangerous. See if you can get family or friends to look after them.

On the topic of safety, providing a safe service is our number one priority. Our team is trained to handle all the heavy lifting required of us during the job and we will do all the heavy lifting required. However, if you would like to help out during your move we insist you practice safe lifting and only carry what you can without injury.

When you are packing you will need to know what you are going to require on the actual moving day, do you need your morning cup of tea or coffee? Are you going to make breakfast at home? Think about your morning routine and don't overdo it.

Depending on how large the move is, it may have to be completed over several days. We will advise how long the move is likely to take beforehand. However, we will always try to complete it as quickly and safely as we can.

What will happen when we first arrive?

We have likely seen your house before from our survey. However, our team will do an initial walkthrough to situate themselves with the property to make sure everything is ready to go, including how they are going to best organise fitting everything into the truck. This is a great opportunity to speak to the team about any particular concerns and questions you may have. Mention items that don't need to be moved or anything that needs to be taken extra care of.

You know your move best. We will do our best to understand what needs to be done, and with our experience, we've developed a good understanding of what a move needs to look like however, any extra insight that you have can always help. Be sure to triple check everything, ensuring that you've done the final walkthrough and don't hesitate to question anything. Make a checklist for every item that needs to be moved, don't come unprepared, know what you want to be moved. Don't forget to do things that require preparation, e.g. defrosting the fridge and disconnecting the water from white goods

In the new property

Once we're ready to unpack the van, don't forget that we need someone to let us in. We will need to know where you want the boxes to be placed. Labelling boxes can help us to know where the small pieces need to be placed, but we will need you there to direct us as to where your large furniture needs to be placed. Don't panic. We have completed countless amount of moves like yours.

What do you need to check in the new property?

Take an immediate meter ready to avoid paying for any usage carried over from the old owner. Then do another lap and check everything is working, water, heating, electricity and so on making sure everything you expected is in order and the house is to a standard where it was agreed on being.

Unloading will be quicker than loading and we'll be done as quickly as we safely can be to give you as much time to unpack and start making your new house feel like home.

The time has come to relax as you're finally in your new home, your house will likely be a scattered mess of boxes but the majoring of the hard work is behind you